JOE MASON photo VK2AU. pp: 2 thru 6.





photo VN-3-AM Cat pgs 12-15,



photo VK-1-BB

pages 2 thru 6


pcs 16 & 17.


SAM UMBERGER Photo VK-6AA Pages 20 thru 24


Pgs 2 thru 75

DINO FERZANNO Photo VN-1AW Cat pgs 2, 3, 8, 9:



Pgs 2, 3, 4


VL-1 AS 10 pages.


Photo VN -2-AS Cat pgs 4, 5, 6, 7

Photo VE-10-AB

Pages KESSLER & THIEL 24,25 Photo VO-6-N

Pgs 14-16 of VO

BILL SIMONS VN 4BZ Pages 16-20

$7 7+


BOB WAGNER Photo VI-6-BK Pgs 22 thru 25)


Pgs 14 thru 16

GRADY ALAN BAILEY Photo VK-9-AZ Pas 33 thru 36

IN THIS SHOWER, ARE CLEANSED SOME OF THE FINEST BODIES NAMERICA! If you've seen the inside of this shower before it's no oincidence. One action almost all the models share in common is hat after posing they want to remove posing oil and grime picked up uring an arduous session. This is just one more opportunity for the hotographer to get some excellent, informal displays of the body. few have been reproduced here.

OSEPH JAMES MASON 22, 5'6 3/4 150 lbs of Winston Salem, NC, hampion boxer, worked considerably as a farmer, also a mechanic and loves to work on car engines.

OHN LENHART 21, 5'10 160 lbs of Salinas Kansas. Got his build -om farm work. Likes tennis and skiing, trout fishing, camping. Has corked as a collection agent but wants to be an actor.

ON W. HOWARD 19, 6' 1/2" 165 lbs of K. C. Mo., is champion wimmer and works as a life guard. Professional clothes model. ApPage 18

pears in the AMG film Bungling Burglar B-17 8mm $13.25, 16m 20.26 JUWA LA VONCE 26, 5'11, 169 of Warren Ohio, commercial fisherman and also a construction superintendant. AMG has done a posing film of him not yet released.

BILL MATHEWS 18, 5'6 1/2 143 lbs of Boston, Mass where he trains at the YMCA. Works as a salesman but wants to be an actor. TEX AVERY 23, 5'9.5 168 lbs of Athens, Texas Got his build from hard work, especially pitching hay and works now as a laborer. Two films available from AMG. (See page 26 of this book). RODERICK MICHA 20, 6' 146 lbs (a real beanpole!) from Girard Ohio, just out of US navy, wants to be a carpenter. He's one of several unusual types in "Beamik Party" 8mm $14.25, 16mm $21.38. WALKER & MYERS appear in AMG film Jungle Interlude 8mm $8., 16mm $12. Jerry Myers is 20, 5 11 155 lbs from Alhambra Calif. works as a shipping-receiving clerk but wants to be an actor. ROBERT EDWARD KESSLER 22, 5'6.5 135 lbs of NY NY, in USMC.

appears in AMG films "Foolish Hoods" and "Jailhouse Rumble" LARRY THIEL 23, 6" 1/2" 196 lbs of Ashtabula Ohio, elec. helper appears with Kessler in Jailhouse Romble.

SAM UMBERGER 18, 5'10, 175 lbs. Was recently married. EARL DEAN did a wonderful film for AMG when he was 14 that was to have been titled "Forbidden Fruit" but it was among a number stolen by a burglar in October 1960. However, just last month he did a little film with us which will be called "Angelic Frankenstein" JOE BRYANT 21, 5'5, 145 lbs of Indianapolis Ind was so drunk the day we picked him up for his posing appointment that we tried desperately (but unsuccessfully) to lose him, but after lying all day by the pool he recovered sufficiently to do a fine job of posing. DINO EDWARD FERZANNO III 20, 55, 126 lbs of Napoli Italy works in a steel factory but wants to be a criminal lawyer. In several films (See pg 24 this book) also in "The Pest". PHIL MATHEY 18 5'10 170 lbs of Birmingham Ala. Boxing.foot-

ball, in construction, wants to drive a caterpillar tractor. BILL SIMONS 23, 5'10 144 lbs from Bradford, Penn. Cook, got his build from dynamic tension. Had just left forrestry camp when this photo was taken. Appears in AMG films "The Convict" 8mm $6.75 16mm $10.12, "Spring Catch" 8mm $6.75 16mm $10.12, and "The Show Off" 8mm $12. 16mm $18. Interesting person. DON CORDELL 25, 6'2 182 lbs of Glendale, Calif has been active in swimming and calisthenics since high school. Construction worker. GRADY ALAN BAILEY 20, 56, 145 lbs of Clinton, South Carolina. Football, water skiing, bowling, ice & roller skating. Has studied to be IBM tab operator but wants to be an airline steward.

Would you like to see more studies of showering models? Ask us and we'll print more. Should we include some shower shots in our films--even if it necessitates building a new shower or using a shorter focal length lens-please give us your views.